Company details and legal information

Service producer

Chemisch-pharmazeutisches Labor, Rolf Sachse GmbH
Stieffring 14
13627 Berlin

Telephone: +49 30 343462-60
Telefax: +49 30 343462-69

Registered office: Berlin
Court of registration: Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
Registration number: HRB 55400
Managing Director: Dr. Ralf Krähmer
VAT ID no.: DE 172583075

Chief editor: Dr. Andreas Sachse

Design and production:

Matthias Lindner Fotografie, Berlin
Gorodenkoff –
Cassis –
Sergey Yarochkin –

Legal information

We check and update the information on the website regularly. Despite this care, it is possible that the data or framework conditions may have changed. We therefore do not assume liability for or guarantee the currency, accuracy and completeness of the information provided on this site. The same shall apply to all other websites referenced via hyperlink. However, CPL SACHSE is not responsible for the content of any websites reached via such links. Protected brand names, trademarks etc. are not marked as such and are used without the granting of free use.

Smart API­ is a registered trademark of Chemisch-pharmazeutisches Labor, Rolf Sachse GmbH.

Furthermore, we reserve the right to amend or add to the information already provided. The content and structure of the CPL SACHSE website pages are protected by copyright. The reproduction of information or data, in particular the use of text, text parts or images shall require prior approval. By submitting enquiries or orders, users are agreeing to their data being recorded in our computer system for the purposes of processing within the scope of the German Data Protection Act.

Copyright © 2025 Chemisch-pharmazeutisches Labor, Rolf Sachse GmbH. All rights reserved. Any reproduction or distribution in any medium, either wholly or in part, shall require the written approval of Chemisch-pharmazeutisches Labor, Rolf Sachse GmbH.